SILC Operations Manager report - October 5, 2016 Over the last quarter the office has continued to be very warm! The estimated time of completion for the new HVAC system is December. The SPIL was approved! We received notification of this approval by email on September 1, 2016 with a letter following. 70 Information and referrals have been handled by phone, email and in person, including a resource table presented at Duke Energy, Raleigh. The website has had 4,252 hits during the months of July, August and September with an average of 46 views a day. The most used search engines to find us are Google, Yahoo and Bing. The most visited pages of our site continue to be Veterans Resources, Centers and Council. I attended NCIL in July and participated in the March to the Hill along with my husband. We both enjoyed the visits on the hill and had great reception from both of our senator’s offices. Getting to know those who participated from across our state was a big plus. I was so proud of Fred Johnson who had taken the lead to arrange hill visits. When we attended our area meeting NC was the only state that had actual times prearranged. I also attended a Train the Trainer conference in Houston in September. This was a great training on how to coordinate and hold a Community Leadership Academy. This would be training for those interested in serving on boards, councils and advisory committees with an emphasis on people with disabilities to help spread inclusion among multiple agencies. I am looking forward to attending both APRIL and SILC Congress before our next SILC meeting in February. Respectfully submitted Debbie Hippler 505 Oberlin Road, Suite 206 Raleigh, NC  27605 (919) 835-3636