North Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council October 12, 2017 Executive Committee Meeting SILC Office In attendance: Mark Steele, Carrie Bradstock, Barry Washington, Ashley Elrod 9:00 a.m. Introductions/attendance Discussion: Members discussed logistical concerns for coordinating attendance and activities at the APRIL and GREAT conferences, including updating a SPIL monitoring survey into an online accessible format and setting up multiple iPads to collect survey responses at the GREAT conference. Members discussed options for the SILC office space, administration, financial management, banking, and bill pay. Committee resolved to begin work immediately producing a job description for staff hire and soliciting feedback from Council and other stakeholders. Members discussed short- and long-term timelines to meet SPIL monitoring goals, committee work goals, report deadlines, and quarterly meeting planning needs. 2:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned